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Indorex Fogger single 150ml

Special Price $33.00 $42.00
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Indorex Fogger Single 150ml


To beat your flea problem,you need to treat your home as well as your pet.The indorex fogger allows you to eradicate fleas and their eggs from bedding,carpet and furnishings.Indorex products contain IGR (insect growth regulator),which prevents flea eggs and larvae from hatching for up to 12 months.


Each fogger treats up to 40 square meters of house.


Registered pursuant to the pesticides Act 1979 No. 4828,4821 & 4831

The best time to use Indorex® is in the Spring as it will stop the first generation of fleas from reproducing and therefore block large numbers of fleas developing at the beginning of Summer. Repeat treatment each Spring, or when signs of infestation reappear.

To treat the home, BEFORE treatment:

  • Remove all pets and their food and utensils
  • Remove or cover fish tanks and switch off the tank’s air pump
  • Close all doors and windows in the area to be treated and turn off any fans, air conditioners, gas appliances and electrical appliances

Treat according to the product packaging instructions. 

AFTER treatment: 

  • Vacate all rooms and leave undisturbed for 1 hour, then open all doors and windows and allow ventilating
  • Enter the room soon after complete ventilation as vibrations trigger the hatching of fleas from pupae, exposing them to insecticides
  • Do not vacuum carpets for 5 days after application, to allow the treatment to be fully absorbed into the carpet 
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Aids in the control of adult fleas in carpets, furnishings and pets bedding; obtaining an average 85% control for up to 1 month. For 12 months flea larvae control: inhibits flea development with efficacy of 100% for 12 months after application.


Permethrin is neurotoxic for insects. It produces a significant increase in spontaneous activity of their central and peripheral nervous systems by perturbation of the ionic transfers through the axonic membrane.

Piperonyl butoxide inhibits enzymes required for the oxidative and hydrolytic degredation of permethrin, thereby extending the period of knockdown and increasing the efficacy of flea killing.

Pyriproxyfen is a new generation juvenile hormone analogue which acts by mimicking arthropod growth hormones, thus delaying or disrupting the moult process. Pyriproxyfen prevents incubation of the egg, the metamorphosis of larvae into pupae, and (provided exposure occurs prior to the cocoon forming) pupae into adult. Pyriproxyfen will also render adult fleas infertile. Pyriproxyfen is a very photostable molecule, as demonstrated by its very high efficacy for the claim period.

The best time to use Indorex is IN THE SPRING (September/October).

This will stop the first generation of fleas from reproducing and attaining large numbers at the beginning of Summer.

Repeat treatment each spring, or when signs of reinfestation appear.


To ensure good flea control the flea breeding cycle must be attacked at each point.

Treat all pets in the household with a suitable flea treatment.

Vacuum carpets regularly and discard debris.

Treat furnishings and carpets throughout the home with combination I.G.R. treatment (Indorex Fogger, Indorex Target and Indorex Spray) .

For concrete surfaces, regular cleaning (preferably washing or hosing) is advised.

Concrete will soon inactivate both insecticides and I.G.R's.

It is often best to use foggers and inverted aerosols in combination. This allows a better result than from either product used alone, by giving the best coverage of all carpet, furniture, under bedding etc.


A flea can produce up to 400 eggs in its lifespan of 2 -3 weeks, which fall from the cat or dog's coat.

Eggs develop very readily in carpet, bedding or (dry) soil. In warm, moist conditions, eggs hatch within a few days into larvae.

The larvae feed on organic matter, including the "flea dirt" or dried blood material also shed from the coat. Larvae are extremely sensitive to the I.G.R. pyriproxyfen, which interferes fatally with their development into pupae.

Flea pupae can remain unhatched and unaffected by treatments for many months.

The adult flea emerges from its pupa in search of a blood meal - this protein source is needed to allow it to lay eggs.

Permethrin aided by the synergist, piperonyl butoxide, can kill the adult fleas before they have fed and laid eggs.

Exposure to pyriproxyfen deranges each stage of the fleas' reproductive process

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