Design specifications for My Vet Adverts
Please use the guidelines below for size diamentions for advertising with My Vet.
Homepage Banner:
We have the option to have 2 website banners - one specifically for desktop view and one for mobile view. This gives you the ability to make a specific banner with less detail and more eye catching for smaller screen.
Both Mobile and Desktop banners are required
Desktop View = 1170x480 pixels.
Mobile View = 780x450 pixels
Main Image/Promo:Any size min width: 750px .
We use mailchimp for our electronic marketing campaigns. You can use any size images (min width 750px) or we can create a mix of image promo and text content if you wish. The banner created for the mobile view above (780x450) is often suitable for our electronic marketing campaigns as well.
Below is a sample of image and text mix (Image at top, text at the bottom "Give your best pal...."). There is no limit to text. Word or plain text document preferred. PDF's sent will be screenshot and added as an image.
Page Cover Image: 828x315 pixels.
Mobile Safe area is 563x315
Standard Post:
News Feed images can really be any size. However this is the recommendation guideline:
Paid/Boosted Advert or Offer: 612x320 pixels
Paid offers or boosted posts are to have less than 20% writing. Plain images are safest.
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